Books Excerpt

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.” Psalm 46:5

“Faith is not for overcoming obstacles; it is for experiencing them – all the way through!”
Richard Rohr

Book One Excerpt

The Story of Verna Louise Williams, OVERCOMING, Joy Cometh In The Morning, Book One, introduces Verna Louise Williams whose story of overcoming horrors of an abusive, alcoholic husband, hardships of a single mother on Welfare, and the traumatic shock of a surprise pregnancy with its conundrum of adoption or abortion is a prime example of one's faith overcoming tribulations. It is a story of great sorrow and great joy. It is a powerful story.
"...a full and vibrant story." - Salem Author Services
“A beautiful and inspirational story…Can’t wait to read the next one!” – Author Vikki McRaven
“Great read!…everyone who is going through difficult times, anyone with a judgmental attitude and anyone who wants to read a well-written book needs to read it…Your time, effort and money will be well spent. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!” – JG, Faculty at Georgia School of Preaching

Book Two Excerpt

The Story of Verna Louise Williams, OVERCOMING, The Trees Shall Clap Their Hands, Book Two, takes Verna through the rigors of Nursing School, the ordeals of a single mother on Welfare, and the unbelievable, heartbreaking loss of her two young daughters. Her steadfast Christian faith enables her to overcome her obstacles and tribulations to triumphantly graduate as an LPN. Her story is indeed one of deep faith, determination, and overcoming.
" enjoyable and captivating reading experience...engages the reader..." - Salem Author Services
“Wonderful and inspirational story!... This book definitely teaches you to keep the faith…just believe in yourself!!!” – Author Vikki McRaven

Book Three Excerpt

In Book Three of the OVERCOMING Series, we join Verna as she begins her functions in both the Newborn Nursery and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Orlando's Orange Memorial Hospital. Truly an unprecedented honor, Verna is chosen as an Operating Room Nurse. She patiently prepares to go to Arizona and fight for her girls' return. Her deep, Christian faith sustains her through daily trials and tribulations as she with prayer and with patience waits to move forward in her life. Her story of overcoming is one of profound sorrows, joys, kindness, and miracles.
"Filled with twists and turns as well as captivating characters, the book takes the reader on a journey that shows the resilience of the human spirit...a compelling narrative with rich characters and important message..." - Salem Author Services
“I love the God moments that led Verna to bigger responsibilities in her career. The characters are interesting. The story flows nicely. It is an easy read…makes you think and wonder…” – Author Pat Mikulec

Book Four Excerpt

Book Four, “The Valley Of The Shadow,” follows Verna as she literally walks through “The Valley of the Shadow.” Deeply repressed demons of trauma pull Verna into her “Dark Night of the Soul.” Her solid Christian foundation leads her through “The Valley” into her soul’s light once more. She continues to overcome obstacles as Angels along her way lead her.
" adventure of faith...a balanced, flowing pace...both informative and eloquently written..." - Salem Author Services

Book Five Excerpt

Book Five, the final book of the series, joins Verna as she and her new husband arrive in Seattle. It is in Seattle where Verna begins to really bloom and “the desires of her heart” are fulfilled. Triumphantly, Verna overcomes trials and tribulations through her deep Christian faith. Hers is a story of marvels, miracles, and dreams achieved. Her story is compelling and powerful. Her story is one of victory. Her story is a human one, not yet completed.
“Throughout her journey of challenges and victories, with strength found in love and faith, Verna finds joy…strong, attention-grabbing chapter titles…creative, well written…a powerful introduction…a strong connection with the reader…brilliant description and detail, creating beautiful imagery.” – Salem Author Services

Through it all, Verna's steadfast Christian Faith enables her to overcome her obstacles and tribulations.
A story of deep faith, hope, and OVERCOMING

This is the Story of Verna Louise Williams OVERCOMING
This is One Birth Mother's Story