“Jason’s Gift” is the sequel to “Shattered Peace” featuring all the beloved characters: Pastor Ed Mitchell of Valley Community Church buries his own heartache to stand shoulder to shoulder with Bill Nelson as he faces the unimaginable. Romyn and Earl Randall, owners of the Crossroads Convenience Store, with their long-buried grief, discover new opportunities to give and love.
Delaney, the self-centered beautiful businesswoman, finds her world unexpectedly overturned. And Shiloh, the bright, sassy, ten-year-old that captured hearts in “Shattered Peace” encounters unexpected evil that threatens her beauty and innocence.
It would have been a good time to do some of the year-end bookwork, but her energy had flagged. I guess I have a bit of SAD, she thought. I just want to run away to somewhere warm, too. Bill and Donna had taken a long weekend in Minneapolis where they were going to stay at a hotel with an indoor pool to get some relaxation time together. Maybe it’ll help them, Romyn thought. They need to reconnect, but it’ll take more than one weekend.
She triggered her remote car starter to get the SUV going before she fed Millie, the guard cat, and activated the security system. She walked around the store and checked all the doors, switching on the outdoor floodlight at the barn garage. An unfamiliar noise coming from the dumpster caused her to pause and listen carefully. She thought the scrabbling sound could be a feral cat. Sometimes they jumped up to check out meat scraps from cabin garbage. Bad as dogs sometimes, convenient road kill. The lid banged shut and all was quiet.